Wednesday, December 21, 2011

World of Warcraft - Horde Gathering Tips

Hey guys and girls , today I am going to show you the best path in Durotar to get some Herbs and Copper Ore .
Ok so basically Copper Ore in Durotar , near Ogrimmar is near  the mountains and while you collect Copper Ore it’s good to have Herbalism too since you can gather some Peacebloom , Siverleaf and Earthroot . So I used my AddOn “Gatherer” and I went gathering a few times and this is where I found the Herbs and Minerals.


And on this map I show just the path .
Ok hope that helped, Alliance guide near Stormwind should be next week probably on the 28th.
Happy gathering :)

Monday, December 19, 2011


Hey Im going to post about LoL . Today the topic is Poppy :) .

Poppy's Valiant Fighter tooltip can be misleading. 50% damage reduction only applies to the portion of damage that actually exceeds 10% of Poppy's current health, not entire damage of that attack. Example: Poppy has 1200/2000 health and is being hit by a 400 damage nuke (after resistances). She will then take: 1200*10% regular damage plus (400-10%*1200)*50% reduced damage, which will total in 120+140=260 damage taken.
Poppy's Valiant Fighter procs against most attacks, especially burst DPS and mages, but is less effective against numerous small attacks from minions or enemies with high attack speed and low damage.
Paragon of Demacia can be offensive or defensive, allowing Poppy to run away or charge straight at the enemy.